At our Easter Egg Hunt on March 27th at 5:00pm, we have something for your entire family! This year, we will have separate egg hunts for kids who are toddlers, all the way up to 5th graders. We will also offer an egg hunt for any children with special needs.

There will be local food trucks, a petting zoo, inflatables, free pictures with the Easter Bunny, and more candy than you can fathom! This is a FREE event that your whole family will enjoy, we hope to see you there!


Our Good Friday service will be in the sanctuary at 10am on March 29th. This service will be a special time, we will sing classic worship songs and hymns, and hear a special message from Pastor Danny. If you are a fan of the Gaither Vocal Band and Southern Gospel music, then this service will definitely bless your soul!

Our Classics Adult Ministry will also have a meal following the service, so be sure to sign up for the meal if you are a Classic and plan on staying!


The tomb is empty and Jesus is alive! He is risen indeed! Throughout history, the Church has celebrated Easter and the wonderful hope we have in our Savior because He conquered death.

Join us this year, as we join in with the sounds of Heaven, to worship our Risen Savior. We will have three Easter Sunday services on March 31st at 8:30am, 10am, and 11:30am. Invite a friend and bring your whole family as we celebrate King Jesus this Easter Sunday at GWC!